Millinery Market – How to Create an Account

While anyone can search and browse hat listings on Millinery Market, you will need to create an account if you wish to:

  • comment on a hat listing
  • contact other users on the platform
  • rent or buy a hat
  • list your own hat

Follow these steps to create your own Millinery Market account:

Step 1 – Go to the Millinery Market homepage –

Step 2 – Click the ‘Sign up‘ button at the top right hand corner of the homepage.

millinery market create account

Step 3 – On the Sign up page, you have two options for creating an account.

Millinery Market

Option 1 – Sign up with Facebook

If you have an existing Facebook account, you can choose to sign up with Facebook which is a bit quicker and saves you from remembering a new password. Click the ‘Sign up with Facebook’ button and you will be directed to the following page where you can enter your Facebook login details.

sign in page account creation

Option 2 – Sign up with email

The second way to sign up for an account is with your email. Fill in the form and click the ‘Create account’ button.

millinery market

You will then be directed to the following confirmation page.

Check the email account that you signed up with. You should receive an email that looks like the one below (don’t forget to check your spam folder). If you don’t receive it, click the ‘Resend confirmation instructions’ button.

millinery market

Click the ‘Confirm my address’ button. You will then be directed to the Millinery Market homepage.

You will see a sentence saying ‘The email you entered is now confirmed’ and your initials in a circle in the top right corner indicating you are logged in. Congratulations, you have successfully created your Millinery Market account.

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Now that you have successfully created an account, the next step is to complete your profile.


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