Millinery Market – How to Delete your Hat Listing

If you have an existing hat listing that you want to delete, follow these steps. Click here if you just want to edit an existing hat listing.

Step 1 – Log in to your account if you aren’t logged in already.

Step 2 – Go to your profile page by hovering over your profile image in the top right corner and then clicking on the ‘Profile’ button that appears beneath.millinery market

Step 3 – Click on the hat listing that you want to delete.

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Step 4 – Click the ‘Close listing’ link found below the delivery method section.

close listing millinery market

Once you click ‘Close listing’ link, it will say ‘Listing is closed’. The listing will no longer be displayed on the homepage grid. You can reopen it by clicking the ‘Reopen listing’ link.

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How to Reopen a Previously Deleted Hat Listing

There may be situations where you want to ‘undelete’ or reopen a previously deleted hat listing. For example:

  • you accidentally deleted your hat listing.
  • a hat you previously sold was returned and you want to list it again.
  • you are a milliner and have just made another copy of the same hat.

Follow these steps to reopen a previously deleted hat:

Step 1 – Go to your profile page and click ‘Show also closed’ link next to the open listings heading. Note: Other users can’t see your closed listings, they can only see your open listings.

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Step 2 – Click on the closed listing that you want to reopen.

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Step 3 – On the listing page, click the ‘Reopen listing’ located beneath the listing price.

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Step 4 – You will be directed to the edit listing page. Make any required updates and then click the ‘Save listing’ button at the bottom of the page. You will then be directed back to your hat listing page. It will show a sentence saying ‘Listing updated successfully’, indicating that you have successfully reopened your hat listing.

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