Millinery Market – The Importance of User Reviews

Reviews and ratings are an important part of Millinery Market, as it helps to build trust between users:

  • Customers need to trust that the owner will deliver the hat on time for their race day, and that the delivered hat will match the photos and description on the hat listing.
  • Lenders need to trust that the renter will take care of their hat and return it on time without damage.

Review ratings show you that other people had a good experience.

For example, imagine you’re thinking about buying a hat from Claire Hahn, a top rated milliner. A quick scan of Claire’s reviews indicates she makes beautiful pieces and provides great service. You’ll feel more comfortable ordering a hat from Claire than from another user with fewer reviews.

How do Reviews Work?

After the customer marks the order as complete, both users will receive an email similar to below prompting them to provide feedback.

Millinery Market peer review

When you click on the ‘Give feedback to Clair’ button, it takes you to the following page where you can enter a freeform text review and select a star rating. The review is then publicly visible on the user’s profile page.

Feedback form marketplace trust

Alternatively, you can access the same feedback form from your Millinery Market inbox. Click on the relevant message (it should say ‘Waiting for you to give feedback’ on the right side) and then click the ‘Give feedback’ button.

giving user feedback

Give feedback to members

You can choose to skip giving feedback. However, you can’t refuse a review from the other party after a completed transaction.

What to Do if you Don’t have any Reviews Yet

If you’re just starting out, chances are you won’t have any reviews yet. Here’s a few recommendations to help show you’re a trustworthy person.

1) After a completed transaction, don’t be afraid to send a message to the other party asking for feedback. It will show them it’s important to you so they’ll be more likely to leave a review. An example message could be: “Hi FirstName, I hope you enjoyed wearing my hat. I’ve left you a review, would you mind doing the same when you get a chance :)”

2) Make sure you have completed your Millinery Market profile including a profile picture and description about yourself. Having a completed profile helps to show others that you’re a real person rather than an anonymous looking profile. If you find it hard to write an ‘about you’ paragraph, this knowledge article provides a few ideas of what to include as well as a template.


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