Millinery Market – How to Share your Hat Listing on Social Media

Sharing your hat listings on social media is a great way to get it in front of more people and increase the chance of a sale. It works best when someone specifically asks for millinery ideas and you share your hat listing as a comment in their thread.

There’s a couple of ways to share hat listings on social media.

Method 1 – Using the share buttons at the bottom of each listing

At the bottom of each listing underneath where it says retail value is a Facebook and Twitter share button.

facebook and twitter share buttons

Just click on the button and follow the prompts.

share hat listing on facebook

Method 2 – Copy the URL

A more flexible way is to copy the listing’s URL and then paste it in your social media post, social media comment or in a Facebook message or email.

copying url address on hat listing

post hat listing URL to facebook

In Facebook Groups, sometimes ladies ask for help to choose a suitable hat for their dress. If you think your hat would be a good match, you can post the URL as a comment in the thread.

millinery hat suggestions ideas


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